SINDREL and Sniff-nano: the two SISSA start-up projects awarded by a jury of investors
Presented last Friday during the first Demo Day of CC1, they will innovate the sector of medical technologies
Verona, 28th October 2024
Two SISSA start-up projects, SINDREL and Sniff-nano, involved in the first cycle of the Acceleration program of Cross-Cutting Activity 1, were ranked first and second, respectively, within the program. A jury of distinguished investors gave the awards: Augusto Coppola of Cloud Accelerator, Alvise Bonivento of Indaco Venture Partners Sgr, Arianna Tibuzzi of Obloo Ventures, Michele Marcaccio of FNDX representing Gellify, Tommaso Maschera of Plug and Play, Alessandro Nitti of CIV (Compagnia per l’Innovazione e i Valori) and Enrico Filì of CDP Venture Capital SGR. The judgment of these investors was added to the evaluation of the Acceleration program managers.
The two teams presented their products on 25th October at the University of Verona, during the first iNEST Demo Day, along with other entrepreneurial projects developed in the first cycle of CC1. The founders of the start-up projects had the opportunity to meet an audience of investors and industry experts.
The cutting-edge solutions by SISSA will help innovate the MedTech sector. “SINDREL is an innovative device to revolutionize drug delivery,” says Audrey Franceschi Biagioni, SISSA researcher and cofounder of the homonymous project. “Sniff-nano uses the sense of smell as an ally in the early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases,” says Fabrizio Manzino, CEO of CyNexo Srl, the start-up that will develop the device. In this sense, the fundraising phase, which opens now and will hopefully conclude with the launch of the products on the market, will be crucial.