Cross-Cutting Activity 3
Cross-Cutting Activity 3 (CC3) represents a unique occasion for innovation to meet community engagement in the North-Eastern region of Italy. With a focus on inclusive communication strategies, CC3 aims to involve citizens not only in receiving information but also in actively participating in the planning and execution of initiatives. Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the critical importance of effective and inclusive communication strategies. CC3 has three specific goals:
- Coordinated Engagement Actions: developing dissemination, communication, and engagement strategies in collaboration with all iNEST Spokes to ensure a cohesive approach across initiatives.
- Tailored Initiatives: produce customized initiatives tailored to specific target audiences, taking into account their diverse backgrounds and needs.
- Innovative Communication: invest in new and innovative communication methods to effectively reach and engage citizens in the region.
For Spoke 9, a particular emphasis is placed on disseminating the main theme of Digital Twins, especially in communities that are still transitioning to embrace the digital revolution. The intersection of art and science is explored as a means to bridge the gap, with special attention given to engaging diverse citizen groups, including children and students. The dynamic collaborations with museums, schools, and innovative events ignite conversations and foster understanding among citizens. Through its collective vision and pioneering spirit, Spoke 9 is working towards creating a lasting impact that extends beyond the duration of the iNEST activities.
The Immaginario Scientifico exhibits: research through gaming
CC3’s commitment comes to life at the Immaginario Scientifico in Trieste, where iNEST-supported exhibits showcase SISSA’s pioneering research through immersive gaming experiences. Participants delve into various fields, including neuroscience, physics, mathematics, and science communication, in which education meets entertainment. The involvement of students and researchers adds depth to the exhibit, fostering a deeper connection between science and society.
On the left: a screenshot from the game “Lo scienziato che c’è in te” in the exhibit at the Immaginario Scientifico science center.
The National Conference on Science Communication: innovation and communication
Above: from left to right, Massimo Sideri, Francesca Iannelli, Luca De Biase (moderator), Gianluigi Rozza, and Elisabetta Delponte, during the panel discussion “Can there be innovation without communication?”.
Last November, SISSA hosted the National Conference on Science Communication, providing a vital platform for professionals and students to exchange ideas and perspectives. Supported by iNEST, the conference included a panel discussion entitled “Can there be innovation without communication?“, held on 1st December 2023 at the Revoltella Auditorium. Esteemed speakers from various sectors, such as media, institutions, corporations, and academia, engaged in a lively discourse on the indispensable role of communication in driving innovation. The enriching discussion highlighted the importance of effective communication strategies in achieving innovation goals.
Applied mathematics meets industry: SIAM UQ24
The latest event featuring Spoke 9 was SIAM UQ24 – Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, an esteemed gathering hosted by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), focusing on Uncertainty Quantification. This conference took place in Trieste at the Stazione Marittima and the Savoia Excelsior Palace from 27th February to 1st March 2024. It was anticipated by the Power of Diversity event, held at SISSA on 26th February, which was focused on the pivotal role of inclusivity within the scientific community. With an attendance of over 1000 individuals, the conference managed to attract a diverse array of professionals from various fields, including physicists, engineers, computer scientists, and data scientists. This broad spectrum of attendees ensured a rich exchange of ideas and encouraged interdisciplinary collaboration, amplifying the impact of the dialogue.
Above: an overview of the SIAM UQ24 plenary conference.
Amidst the myriad sessions and discussions, a standout feature was the mini-symposium dedicated to iNEST, on 28th February at 5 p.m., titled “Models, Methods, Computational Technologies for Digital Twin in iNEST: Innovation Ecosystem“. This two-hour session, chaired by Spoke 9 Leader for SISSA, Prof. Gianluigi Rozza, involved speeches from Prof. Franco Bonollo (Head of iNEST Board of Directors), Prof. Angelo Montanari (Director of iNEST Scientific Committee), Prof. Cristina Pedicchio (Spoke 8 Leader for the University of Trieste), and Laura Meneghetti (Spoke 9 researcher at SISSA). The iNEST mini-symposium aimed not only to showcase iNEST’s endeavors but also to serve as an integral component of CC3, reaching out to the applied mathematics community, including those not directly involved in innovation. By captivating the imaginations of a diverse cohort of young scientists, poised to shape the future of innovation, this event offered a significant opportunity to showcase iNEST’s impact on an international stage.
Cross-Cutting Activity 3 starts in month 1 and ends in month 40.
Its leader is the University of Trieste (UniTS).