iNEST: Ideas for Innovation to promote Cross-Cutting Activity 1
The presentation event for the new Call for Exploring Ideas for Spoke 9 will be held on 9th July at SISSA
Trieste, 21st June 2024
On 9th July 2024, from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m., SISSA‘s Big Meeting Room will host iNEST: Ideas for Innovation, a presentation event of Cross-Cutting Activity 1 within iNEST Spoke 9. The goal is to promote participation in the new Call for Exploring Ideas, among PhD students and researchers, for the collection of science-based ideas to be transformed into start-ups.
In addition to the presentation of the Cross-Cutting Activity 1 (CC1) and of the iNEST Consortium by Prof. Andrea Marella from Ca’ Foscari University Venice and Prof. Giovanni Noselli from SISSA, respectively Scouting Officer and Spoke 9 representative within the CC1 Committee, the event will feature two founders of SISSA start-up projects involved in the first round of the CC1 Acceleration program: Audrey Franceschi Biagioni from SINDREL and Fabrizio Manzino from Sniff-nano. Telling their experience within iNEST will be crucial in conveying the value of such an opportunity to aspiring entrepreneurs.
At the end of the event, Spoke 9 Scouting Specialist Alberto Cavazza will explain procedures and useful tips in order to submit a proposal. The Call for Exploring Ideas has been open in recent weeks and will close on 8th September 2024. Those who are willing to apply for it are encouraged to contact the SISSA Valorisation and Innovation Office, which will provide all the information and necessary instructions concerning the protection and formal internal disclosure of business ideas. More information can be found in the Pre-acceleration section of the Cross-Cutting Activity 1 webpage.
Click here to download the event poster.