Spoke 9 presents TCube: generative AI for technology transfer
The presentation event of the platform—to be integrated into Trieste Lab Village—will take place on Friday, 17th May at Urban Center
Trieste, 13th May 2024
On 17th May, at Urban Center Trieste, TCube (Trieste Tech Transfer), a digital platform based on generative artificial intelligence, will be presented. TCube will represent the virtual component of Trieste Lab Village, an initiative aimed at fostering collaboration between research and industry. The creation of this Lab VIllage is part of the initiatives promoted by iNEST Cross-Cutting Activity 2, “Creation of a network of joint strategic laboratories between universities and companies”. Specifically, TCube falls within the scope of iNEST Spoke 9, the thematic area of the project focused on Digital Twins, whose leader is SISSA.
Speeches by promoters and partners of Trieste Lab Village are scheduled in the event: SISSA, the University of Trieste, Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico, and BIC Incubatori FVG. The Chamber of Commerce Venezia Giulia and Confindustria Alto Adriatico have decided to support the initiative as well. In the following, the poster with the complete program of the event can be downloaded (in Italian).
Click here to download the event poster.